Is there opportunity for Professional Development (PD)?

Quick Answer: Absolutely. The resources included in the plan itself can also can be a great Professional Development resource for educators!

This curriculum isn't just for youth. We've heard many educators share with us that they feel they are learning so much about themselves and others through engaging with these resources. Read more on this here in this blog post!

More Details:

We have a network of educators and administrators (lifelong educators, too) eager to facilitate engaging PDs. 

That said, we are a small team with limited resources, and it is expensive to provide PD in many corners of the US and our world. This is why we ask schools to host us and contribute an additional fee beyond the base cost of the curriculum membership.

For online PD resources, we're heartstorming on and kicking off all kinds of fun experiments through video, writing, and potentially webinars. 

Email us to learn more and/or check out this early stage version of our Teaching Unit or see more on our blog. You may also find this specific post to be helpful as you navigate having complex conversations.

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